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 -  Atualizado 24/08/2010

Tourism: The Ukrainian Memorial | Curitiba – Brazil

Publicado por: Silvia Oliveira Curitiba

 by Sílvia Oliveira

If you chose only one weekend to visit Curitiba you know it will be almost impossible to visit all the  city’s parks in 48 hours. Here, if you’re not careful, even a vase of flowers is likely to be fitted out with  an entrance portal, a waterfall, two or three trails… and before you know it, a park is born!

We have parks for all tastes, all types, by the yard. They are made for those not in a hurry. Devised for those who like to enjoy what man and nature are capable of doing together.  But if I had to recommend only one (based on my enamoured  opinion, if you’ll permit me), visit the Ukrainian Memorial.

To me it is the most hotogenic and – architecturally speaking – one of the most interesting. The memorial is located in Tingui Park and, as the name implies, pays tribute to Ukrainian immigrants in Curitiba. The Ukrainian Memorial is, in fact, a complex: it has a replica of the St. Michael the Archangel church, a typical house, and, of course, a portal. The whole structure of the church is made of wood interlocked in the Ukrainian style.

A kind of Lego, the construction toy whose concept is based on parts that fit together harmoniously. Next to the church, a typical house is home to a souvenir shop, where you can buy the famous  “pessankas”, eggs decorated with the typical art of the Ukraine.

According to tradition the “pessankas” are made in the last week of Lent and taken to church on Easter Sunday, the day they are blessed. They became a kind of amulet, a talisman – which was either kept at home or given to a friend. A giant “pessanka”, made by artist Jorge Seratiuk, makes the Memorial even more gracious.

The interior of the replica of St. Michael the Archangel church has no religious function. It is a small museum, in which are displayed icons of the Orthodox Church, a collection of “pessankas” – each more beautiful than the other – and Ukrainian handicrafts. So make a note in your travel diary: the Ukrainian Memorial – not just the best photo opportunity, but also a great memory to take with you of Curitiba.

Photo: Raul Mattar


Ukrainian Memorial

Location: Tingui Park | Between Fredolin Wolf and Jose Valle Streets.

Tel.: 41/ 3335.2112 and 3321.3313

Opening hours: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. daily

Free admission


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3 Comentários

  1. Marcia Cristina

    Não entendo nada, sou péssima nessa língua (você sabe, sou muuuito mais o espanhol). Mas fico tão feliz em ver o matraqueando tão globalziado… e eu fazendo parte desta história (nem que seja com um comentario aqui de vez em quando!) 🙂


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Matraqueando - Viagens e Comidinhas | Por Sílvia Oliveira

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