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 -  Atualizado 16/08/2015

Rua Teffé (Teffe Street): Curitiba’s First Footwear Theme Street

Publicado por: Silvia Oliveira Curitiba

Rua Teffe - Lojas

By Sílvia Oliveira

It is almost a tourist attraction. However, it goes unnoticed by many who come to visit the state capital or even by those who live here. Teffe Street is a shopping street located in the Bom Retiro neighbourhood, with easy access by car or public transport.

For over 20 years, the region was the stronghold of small shops selling end-ofline footwear. Business grew, multiplied and now there are more than 30 companies selling women’s, men’s and children’s shoes. It is not that the “end-of-line” shops turned into designer-label shoe stores.

Almost all shops offer something similar – models with few pairs at affordable prices. The novelty is that the latest models also dominate the shop windows! Along with Emilio Menezes Street, Teffe Street is also now home to clothing and accessory shops, forming a top-line fashion centre close to the heart of the city.

Although the local stores have lost their “end-of-line” characteristic, good prices – combined with excellent quality and variety – are still to be found. Teffe Street’s slogan – “the first footwear theme street in the country” – may create false expectation.

This is not a psychedelic shopping centre, surrounded by rides or food courts. Much less is it the only or the first of its kind in Brazil. However, you will certainly find a tree-lined avenue with wide pavements, free parking and friendly service.


Teffe Street => www.ruateffe.com.br
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, from 9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
How to get there by bus: From Praça Tiradentes (Tiradentes Square), in Curitiba’s city centre, take the Bracatinga, Vila Nori or Primavera bus. Ask the conductor to let you off at the closest stop to Rua Teffé.

Photos: Sílvia Oliveira | Matraca’s Image Bank

Read more about Curitiba:

The “ecological” Curitiba  (by Sílvia Oliveira)

A train ride through the Serra do Mar (by Sílvia Oliveira)

Largo da Ordem Street Market (by Sílvia Oliveira)

The Ukrainian Memorial (by Sílvia Oliveira)

How do you get from Curitiba’s Airport to the city centre? (by Sílvia Oliveira)

Estrada da Graciosa, Paraná – in English (by Sílvia Oliveira)

The Wire Opera House: Curitiba’s Most Original Theatre (by Sílvia Oliveira)

Ilha do Mel: paradise is just down the road (by Sílvia Oliveira)


Reportagem publicada originalmente na 33º edição do jornal Curitiba In English. Para entender o projeto de internacionalização do Matraqueando, clique aqui.


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5 Comentários

  1. Sirlene

    Gosto de ler seus textos em ingrêis! Bjs e ótimo fim de semana… 🙂

    • henry

      eu também gosto, aprendo uma spalavra diferente!

  2. Viviane

    AMO a rua teffé, sou curitibana, mas moro em são paulo, e sempre volto à rua teffé para comprar meus sapatos, porque tem marcas sensacionais a preços incríveis. e uma dica, uma nova loja, a W.O. precisa ser visitada, tem marcas internacionais por uma pechincha.

    • Silvia Oliveira

      Também gosto da W.O.! Abs!


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Matraqueando - Viagens e Comidinhas | Por Sílvia Oliveira

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